
responsible for the content according to § 25 MedienG:

aforms solutions & services GmbH
Wiedner Hauptstraße 120-124
A-1050 Vienna

+43 664 9680804

Company register number: FN 287530p
Legal form: limited liability company
Vienna Commercial Court
UID number: ATU63217334

aforms solutions & services AG
Aarstrasse 98
CH-3005 Bern

+41 79 545 99 16

Legal form: public limited company
Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Bern
UID number: CHE-367.970.689

aforms solutions & services AG
Industriering 40
FL-9491 Ruggell

+423 79 43008

Legal form: public limited company
Register number: FL-0002.340.459-6
Liechtenstein Commercial Register
UID number: CHE-401.172.982
VAT number: 57 511

Supervisory authority: Magistrate's District Office for the 4th & 5th district

Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Management Consulting and Information Technology Section

Applicable legal regulations: Trade regulations see

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